Extended half price fares, learning to ride a bike as an adult, and bike security are in this month's news.

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Travelwise Choices

Travelwise Choices

Kia ora Brigid,

The worst of winter weather is almost behind us. There’s no better time to start encouraging your staff to try sustainable modes, and AT’s free Adult Bike Skills courses can help.

Read more about the 529 garage project, how it can help with better bike security, and meet Abi, one of Travelwise Choices’ Senior Travel Demand Planners.

Half-price fares extended until January 2023!

Your staff have affordable transport covered for the rest of the year

1.2 million trips across Auckland every week

You’ve probably heard the news that half-price fares on public transport have been extended until 31 January 2023.

For staff that commute, 50%* off their travel costs can make a huge difference to their finances, so make sure you spread the word among your workplace.

Staff can cap their travel costs at $107.50 per month with a bus and train monthly pass. It can keep longer journeys like Papakura to Britomart to just $6.12 per day for a return journey, or Albany to Britomart for $2.43 each way.

Bus, train and ferry trips also provide time to unwind; listen to music, catch up on a podcast, or declutter your email inbox.

It’s easy for staff to find out how much they can save by using the AT Journey Planner.

*50% offer applies to AT timetabled bus, train, and ferry services, excludes Waiheke and tourist ferries (Rakino, Rangitoto etc).

Plan your trip on Journey Planner

What is it like learning to ride a bike as an adult?

One journalist finds out at an AT funded Adult Bike Skills course

Karanama Ruru never had the opportunity to learn how to ride a bike growing up. It took one of AT’s Bronze Adult Bike Skills courses and a desire to reduce his transport costs for him to ‘finally learn how to ride a bike’.

Staff not knowing how to ride a bike is a major barrier for businesses who are trying to reduce their emissions from staff commuting. But, as Karanama found out, AT’s Adult Bike Skills courses can be an excellent way to get more staff confidently riding bikes and using sustainable transport.

Karanama Ruru said the ‘friendly and welcoming teachers, as well as a class full of people from all walks of life supporting each other, made it so much easier. The high-quality bikes weren’t bad either.’ You can see how he got on here.

If you’d like to run some FREE bike skills courses for your staff, then get in touch with us at cyclingevents@at.govt.nz to find out more about booking in some training.

Book your Adult Bike Skills course now

Help your staff keep their bikes safe

529 Garage helps to protect people from bike theft

One of the main worries for people on bikes is bike theft. With the rise in popularity of e-bikes which often cost over $2000, it’s more important than ever to help staff keep their bikes safe.

One of the best ways to do this is by installing secure bike parking facilities at your office, providing an off-street, dry, locked area for staff to store their bikes. It’s also important to make sure staff are using high-quality locks and not cable locks which can be cut in seconds.

Another great way to boost bike security is by encouraging staff to register their bikes with 529 Garage. It’s a community-run bike registration and recovery service. It’s a free service that helps return stolen bikes to their owners, as well as preventing bike theft.

Find out more or register
Lock your bike

People profile

Meet a member of the Travelwise Choices team helping business travel become more sustainable

Name: Abi Mace

Abi Mace

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I came to Auckland almost 7 years ago with my kiwi husband and two children. I love living in Auckland, the people, and my job. I’m a bit of a transport nerd, so when I recently went back to the UK to finally visit family after the pandemic, I was so excited to experience the newly opened Elizabeth Line on the London underground!

Role at AT: Senior Travel Demand Planner in the Sustainable Mobility Team

My job is about behaviour change – helping Aucklanders to travel more sustainably. I work with businesses to help their staff travel more sustainably but I’m also working on a couple of trial projects in new housing developments.

What do you love about your job?

One of the highlights for me is connecting with so many different people and giving them new information about how to get on board buses, trains, and ferries. People are often surprised by how affordable and easy public transport is.

Favourite things to watch/listen to on your commute to work?

I take the bus to work and love to relax and look at the view over the harbour bridge. But, for commuters who like to use the time to catch up on shows or podcasts, I definitely recommend:

·      Movie – King Richard

·      Book – Where the Crawdad’s sing by Delia Owens

·      Podcast – The Commune by Stuff

What can employers do to get their staff travelling more sustainably?

Sign up to the Travelwise Choices programme and let us guide you through the process of developing a workplace travel strategy.

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