Kia ora and welcome to the July 2024 update.

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Busway Update

Kia ora and welcome to the July 2024 update on the Eastern Busway project. The latest project images are available for you to view here.

Te reo Māori names gifted to stations and structures

AT is honoured to have been gifted te reo Māori names by local mana whenua Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki and Ngaati Whanaunga for the new bus stations and structures being built for the Eastern Busway.

Zaelene Maxwell-Butler of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki says “our partnership with AT has enabled us to revive ancient stories and restore the cultural identity to the local landscape through te reo Māori naming and mahi toi (artwork) design”.

The stations

When the 7km busway is completed it will span from Panmure to Botany and will have four new stations: Pakūranga in the town centre, Te Taha Wai near to Edgewater College and Shopping Centre, Koata by Riverhills Park, and Pōhatu in Burswood.

  • Te Taha Wai represents the water’s edge, the riverbanks of Te Wai o Taiki (Tāmaki River)
  • Koata speaks to the heart of Tī Rākau, the New Zealand native cabbage tree which is found in the Pakūranga area
  • Pōhatu stone or rocks. This references the outcrop of rocks in the Tāmaki estuary which Ngāi Tai legend acknowledges as the perished tūrehu and patupaiarehe peoples.​

The structures

  • Rā Hihi (sun’s rays) is the name of the flyover being built above Reeves Road in Pakūranga. It will improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, playing a crucial role in the Eastern Busway’s success in providing quick and reliable travel, and is planned to open in 2026.
  • Tī Rākau will be the name of the new bridge that will sit next to Tī Rākau Drive. Rākau (tree) is also a traditional Māori stick game.
  • Taupaepae (to meet or escort your visitors) will be the name of the bridge joining Tī Rākau Drive and Burswood. It represents the manaakitanga of Auckland Transport safely guiding and transporting the community along the bridge. Paepae is the horizon.

AT Chief Executive Dean Kimpton says the names hold historic significance for the area and are reflective of how important the Eastern Busway will be to the community. “The Eastern Busway is a hugely significant project for this part of Auckland and it’s an honour to have been gifted these names which tell the story of the area we’re serving”.

Rā Hihi taking shape on Reeves Road

A pier of Rā Hihi taking shape on Reeves Road. Photo credit: Nigel King

MATES in construction

The MATES in Construction programme aims to reduce the number of lives lost to suicide in the construction industry. In 2019, construction had the highest male suicide rate for any occupational group. The sector is currently losing one person nearly every week to suicide and 99% of those we lose are men.

The Eastern Busway Alliance has been welcomed as a premium partner of MATES.  Project director Matt Zame says that the alliance companies have been affected by suicide and the ripples it causes. "Suicide has a profound and lasting impact on the families, friends and colleagues of their lost loved ones. We’re keen to see change in the industry to ensure all of our people are safe and well. We’ve partnered with MATES to help achieve that change and to support our people to ask for help when they’re feeling low, as a regular part of life."

MATES is proud to be a part of the support team for the project looking after the alliance’s workers on site and in the project offices, too. We are stronger together.

Mates in construction

Popular transport options

We’re delighted that an increasing number of people are already choosing to use buses and active modes in the project area.

  • In April 2024 there was a 10% increase in walking and cycling, which is 3,394 more people than in April 2023 at Lagoon Drive and Tī Rākau Park.
  • May 2024 saw a 7.5% increase in bus trips between Pakūranga and Botany compared to May 2023. This is 15,648 more passengers, which is equivalent to 160 full double decker buses or 10,667 cars.

Working during the night and at weekends

Sometimes we work during the night and at weekends and we appreciate our neighbours’ patience while this takes place. Providers ensure that bill payers are notified in advance when utilities like water, gas and electricity need to be turned off. Please contact us if you have any questions or issues about our work or utility service disruption.

Our closest neighbours may be interested to read about work in progress and detours. 

Construction update

Thank you for your ongoing support while we build the Eastern Busway and shape a more connected, accessible future for East Auckland.

If you have any questions about this information or would like to talk to the team, please contact us by calling 0800 287 929 or emailing

Ngā mihi nui
The Eastern Busway Alliance

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