Kia ora and welcome to the June 2024 update.

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Busway Update

Kia ora and welcome to the June 2024 update on the Eastern Busway project.

Tī Rākau Drive looking towards Botany

Above Tī Rākau Drive looking towards Botany, this photo shows the area on the right where extra lanes will be built for citybound traffic. The busway when completed will run along the centre of the carriageway in this area. Image credit: Don Short

Funding the Eastern Busway

The Eastern Busway project is funded by the Crown, the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, and Auckland Council. Funding has been confirmed for the section between Pakūranga and Burswood, including an on-road connection from Burswood and along Tī Rākau Drive to Botany. Construction is in progress between Pakūranga and Tī Rākau Drive Bridge.

There will be a delay in building the section of the project from Tī Rākau Drive through Guys Reserve and Whaka Maumahara to Botany, and the Botany Town Centre Station. Planning consent is being sought for this preferred design to be delivered when funding is available.

Until the final section is built, AT has funding for the design and construction of an interim bus route. This will enable buses to travel in regular vehicle lanes along Tī Rākau Drive and Te Irirangi Drive to Botany Town Centre bus stops, which will be upgraded. This route will be in place until funding is confirmed to build the link route and the future Botany Station.

Project features

Water, gas and electricity supply

From time to time we have to turn off utilities like gas, water and electricity, and providers ensure that billpayers are notified in advance. We sometimes work during the night and we appreciate our neighbours’ patience while this takes place.

Please contact us if you have any questions or issues about utility service disruption or night work.

Matt Zame, Eastern Busway Alliance Project Director

Matt Zame, Eastern Busway Alliance Project Director. Photo credit: Mark Barber

Meet our people - Matt Zame

With a career spanning over 20 years in the construction industry, Matt could be considered by many as a geological feature. Having started his civil engineering career as a summer intern in 1997 and after completing the Fletcher graduate programme, Matt worked on several projects including Northport and Auckland Harbour Bridge Upgrades before heading away on his OE.

Matt gained broad knowledge and experience in the UK and while living in Italy. When it was time to return home in 2004 he was eager to apply his skills.

During the last two decades Matt has been involved in some of our country’s largest projects including the Northern Busway, Tauranga Harbour Link, Victoria Park Tunnel, Waterview Tunnel, MacKays to Peka Peka Expressway and the Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth section of State Highway 1.

“The industry has had impressive growth over 20 years, and with that has come huge opportunities that I’ve been keen and fortunate to experience,” he says.

“I’ve been given a lot of different roles and made some sacrifices at times to move around the country. They’re big commitments to make and have been possible with the support and patience of my family”.

Matt has been the project director of the Eastern Busway Alliance since 2022 and brings a wealth of experience and innovative ideas.

Matt says that the teams and communities that he has been a part of continue to be his work highlight. “The personal and professional experiences in construction have been amazing, and I enjoy passing that knowledge on to those building new careers in the industry.” It’s also great to see the improvement in how people live and cities grow when these big projects have been completed.

Roadworks update

Please take extra care, and follow detour signs during upcoming work:

  • Road layout changes on the South Eastern Highway, Tī Rākau Drive, Wheatley Avenue and Edgewater Drive
  • Road closures at night on Mattson Avenue and Tiraumea Drive
  • We are looking to see if a roundabout is a feasible option for the Aylesbury Street intersection with the laneway and outdoor parking area of Pakūranga Plaza

The Edgewater Shopping Centre businesses are open with car park access on Edgewater Drive.  Please ‘support local’ and make the shopping centre your next stop.

Edgewater Shopping Centre

Our closest neighbours may be interested to read more about work in progress and detours.

Construction update

Thank you for your ongoing support while we build the Eastern Busway and shape a more connected, accessible future for East Auckland.

If you have any questions about this information or would like to talk to the team, please contact us by calling 0800 287 929 or emailing

Ngā mihi nui
The Eastern Busway Alliance

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